Dritherm Cavity Slab

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Minimum quantity for "Dritherm Cavity Slab" is 1.

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This product is on because of

Materials with low environmental cost

Low-allergy materials (avoiding dust, mould, chemicals etc.)

Avoiding risk of heat stress or cold-related illnesses

Good insulation for well regulated room temperatures

Use of recycled or upcycled materials circular economy

DriTherm® Cavity slab can be used in masonry cavity external walls and is installed as a partial fill the cavity. DriTherm® Cavity slab is 600mm wide to suit standard vertical wall tie spacings, ensuring a closed joint with adjacent slabs. With BCA thermal regulations becoming more stringent and home owners demanding increased comfort and energy efficiency, DriTherm® Cavity slab provides a simple, cost-effective insulation option for home designs requiring 7 Star compliance. With over 4 million double brick homes already insulated with water resistant cavity insulation across Europe, DriTherm® Cavity slab is a proven, thermally efficient insulation. DriTherm® Cavity slab is independently appraised and has a 50 year moisture resistant warranty.

Product Highlights:

  • High thermal performance - year round comfort
  • Sound absorbing
  • Silicone treated - water resisitant
  • Non-combustible
  • Saves energy - lower energy bills
  • No added formaldehyde
  • Soft to handle and install
  • Odourless.


Compliance data

BAL rating:

Main features

Product Certifications:
  • GreenRate Level A (Global GreenTag)
Sustainability features:
  • Low VOC
  • No toxicity

50 year warranty

Currently not available

Currently not available

Currently not available

Currently not available

Code Performance
Thermal Conductivity - ASTM C 518 and AS/NZS 4859.1: 2002.
Thermal Resistance - ASTM C 653 and AS/NZS 4859.1: 2002.
Fire Hazard Properties - Ignitability: 0, Spread of Flame: 0, Heat Evolved: 0, Smoke Developed: 0-1.
Acoustic - Will contribute to the BCA’s acceptable construction practices to achieve the required acoustic performance in cavity wall construction.
Microbial Growth - Does not support microbial growth.
Corrosion Resistance - No greater than sterile cotton.
Combustibility AS 1530.1 Non-combustible.

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Price on request